It's has been sometimes I am struggling with this dirty stain around the switch. It is hard to remove just by water, so I have been give up for so long until I found this good tips in internet. Well, I decided to try it.
So, what do we need now?…
“阿麽,我们想吃你做的popiah.” 这个是我们家小瓜见到外婆时一定会说的一句话。 简直就是对“它”到了朝思暮想的境界。 这样说一点也不夸张。 想起我也好一阵子没吃了。 翻一翻电话里的照片,果真给我翻出了照片。😁 那好啦,今天我们就来欣赏照片,望梅止渴一下。 说到好像很可怜酱,呵呵。 想做出好吃的popiah, 当然要先准备材料。 沙葛,萝卜,虾米。。。 全部都包裹在春卷皮里,一字棒!
Spring roll, or in Hokkien we called popiah, have been our house…
今天晚餐吃什么呢?不然来个简单的炸鸡腿吧。 虽然这是高卡的食物,可是有时慰劳自己也是不错的。 要准备多少个,自己依人数酌量吧。
我们用的是专门用来炸鸡的炸鸡粉。 有些需要加水,有些不需要加水,看看包装指示就可。 把鸡腿全都裹上炸鸡粉。
然后,加大量的油。 油热了,就下油炸。 记得别炸太久,可能肉质会变得比较硬。 画面是有点油腻,但是我喜欢,呵呵。😏
酱!酱!酱!我们香喷喷的炸鸡腿完成了! 吃了后要喝多点水,毕竟是炸的,会比较热气。 希望大家在这时候都加油,照顾好自己。 好啦,废话不多说,我要去享用这美味的晚餐了。?…
Mco 的第四天,要吃些什么呢?由于前几天肚子不舒服,还是吃些粥吧,就准备些比较简单又方便的。Fourth day of MCO, hmmm what to eat ya? Maybe porridge is more suitable for me as my stomach was upset a few days ago. Here is the simple one.那先请出主角: 小米, 大约一又半杯Our main character today: millet,around on…
Continue Reading认识我的人应该都知道我得空都喜欢来个心理测验。 怎说呢,好像变成了爱好啊。今天,偶然给我在个杂志上看到了一个测验,觉得蛮特别的, 写下来给大家试试看吧。
很多时候,我们不能对任何事情都说“yes",比如, 当对方提出了超出范围的要求时,更要学会拒绝别人。除了要有勇气说"no", 更需要用适合的方法把它说出来。
下面的几种东西, 你最不喜欢朋友跟你借什么? A.车子 B.金钱 D.宠物
This was what i came across when i was browsing through fb a few days ago, quite an easy cooking and can be just done by using rice cooker. Sounds great?
Let's start and first we need some po…
We used to buy ready-make bread, but why don't we try to make it ourselves? This must be a good idea for those who are lazy enough to go out especially during this pandemic time, for sure me is included. 我们都惯了购买外面的面包,为什么不尝试自己做一下呢?这对懒惰出门买东西的人 ,尤其是…
Continue ReadingThat was last weekend and I was tidying up my thing when I saw this. Tadaaa, is a necklace from my sister which i received many years ago. I am not sure how long is it but it is one of the gift i appreciate so much. As it has been a long time, so th…
Continue Reading今天感觉特别的累,不知是工作的累 还是心累。像往常一样,做完了面包店的工作,披着疲累的心情骑着摩托回到了家。就在下了摩托,正要开锁的时候,听到身后传来了一声。“ 哥。”向后一看,原来是小茵跑了过来。“这么夜了,你怎么还出来啊?”“哥,这个给你。”说着,小茵提出了一块蛋糕。“哦, 对啊。今天是你生日啊,生日快乐!”她笑了一笑,准备回家。但她那快速的脚步很快就停了下来。有只狗就在靠近她的不远处。“嘘,快走开!”本想拿起石头往它丢去。那只黄毛的小狗竟坐了下来,摇起了尾巴。本来的敌意放了下来,把小茵送…
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