Today is not a teaching class, but some sort of psychology lesson I would say? Haha. ^^ Why say so? Please read through and you will know it!Well, it is not like a spiritual or professional type of Mandala we are having, but more to draw according t…
Continue ReadingIt have been a while since my last blog in September..Well, I am back again. And, today we are going to make a soap-powered model boat.Use a piece of foam paper or a piece of non-corrugated cardboard, as long as it can float on the water.Cut into a…
Continue ReadingActually this movie has been released a few weeks ago, and I just managed to watch it yesterday. I chose to watch it in MM Cineplexes which is located in Riverfront. To be frankly, this was my very first visit to the cinema since it opened last year…
Continue Reading得空了,又到了翻旧照的时候。哈哈。 以前的我,总喜欢把照片edit了后,在加上一些字。 edit 技术so so , 拿来献丑一下。 来来去去就这么几张。
今天,就如往常地把面包店里的工做完后,准备回家。 拿着头盔, 把玻璃门推开的那一刹那,真是的,天不作美,下起了一场倾盆大雨。 我, 站在了五脚基,打算等雨稍微小了一些,才回家。 “小凡,怎么还不回家?” “是呀, 等雨小了点才回。” “好的,那我先回家咯。明天见。” 说着,小楷就上了车,把车开走了。 本想拿起手机来滑,可是还是被雨水打得不得不把手机给收起。 我看着差点被雨水淹没的街道,发起了呆。 顿时头脑想起了许多,想起了去年的今天我为邻居小孩,小茵做了个生日蛋糕,她那天开心的样子,深深地…
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