Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom

Actually this movie has been released a few weeks ago, and I just managed to watch it yesterday. I chose to watch it in MM Cineplexes which is located in Riverfront. To be frankly, this was my very first visit to the cinema since it opened last year. And, this is also my very first movie in 2018 since Train to Busan in 2016. Ops! I realized now that I just choose to watch horror or action movies this few years. Maybe I should try another genre of movie instead next time, Haha.
Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom
Overall, the cinema is quite new for me, but it is a little bit small. First, I thought the cinema will be crowded with people on the second day of Raya. But unexpectedly, it was not many peoples there. In the cinema, i think most of us just fill up a few rows at behind. 

The movie shows around 2 hours.

Now, lets talk about the movie. Well, there were a few scenes that quite startling. 

The first part was when Claire and the computer technician, Franklin tried to escape from the bunker and a dinosaur, I have no ideas what is the dinosaur's name, but what i know is, "it is not a T-Rex!" as this sentence was being repeated many times in that scenes. haha. When the dinosaur almost got Franklin, I felt I was shouting in my heart too saying "climb faster, Franklin!". 

The second part was when they managed to escape from the bunker and reunited with Owen while the volcano started to erupt. All the dinosaurs were running around to save themselves but then all of them fell from the cliff and got into a big ocean. After all, they were safe and managed to get into a boat after Claire trying so hard to accelerate the truck. Many of the dinosaurs were being brought to Lockwood's place but still some of them being left.

The last part was when Mr. Mills got out from the bottom of the car and tried to get the DNA, which is quite valuable for him as it can be bring him a lot of wealthy. But, because of his greediness,  a dinosaur came out from no where and bite him as he was trying to get it. And the same goes to Ken when he tried to pull off Indoraptor, the hybrid dinosaur's teeth. Some sort of Karma I could say?

Blue with its obedience and intelligence, Owen with his warm character which I think make Claire fall in love with him again, even Maise like to hug him more, Zia with her calm character and lastly Franklin which I think look a bit like Bruno Mars, seem naive and cute,last but not least, Mr. Lockwood with his determinations. I think all of them make a great movie together!

But, there is a question quite puzzled me at the end of the movie. How human suppose to learn to coexist with dinosaur as some of them are carnivores? Somehow, hope we can figure it out in the next episodes of Jurassic Series, perhaps?

Lastly, this was what I saw after the movie.
Something peeking out from the hole? Haha
For those who have already watched it, what is your thought about it? Welcome to share with me about yours!

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